Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Scaffold Hazard Awareness Training Program

One day training designed to help the scaffold user recognize the hazards on various types of scaffolds. Approximately 4 hours in length and incorporates a PowerPoint presentation and student interaction that encourages participation. This course in not designed for workers that perform scaffold erection.

Scaffold Competent Person Training (CPT)

One day Competent Person Training is available in all three major supported scaffold systems: frame, systems and tube, and coupler. This program is for scaffold erectors and covers safety aspects regarding scaffold foundations, scaffold components, regulations, guardrail requirements, fall protection, scaffold stabilization, erection and dismantling procedures for scaffolds that exceed the height to base ration.

Scaffold Training for Suspended Scaffold

An industry standard since 1992, this two day, comprehensive training program, explains how to set up, operate and inspect suspended work platforms. The student completing the course will know the basics required to safely use suspended equipment. On-the-job training after this program will allow participants to apply what they have learned and to gain field experience necessary for any professional. The program explains how to set up, operate and inspect suspended work platforms.