Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other

Creating workplaces where we all watch out for each other


Enclosed Cabs Health Alert

Original article published by MSHA
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Operator Booths, Control Rooms, Enclosed Cabs

A properly designed and maintained operator booth, control room, and enclosed cab can reduce miners’ exposure to respirable dust, including silica.

Best Practices
  • Use a filtration and pressurization system that allows filtered air to enter the enclosed area.
  • Replace worn seals/gaskets around doors and windows, and patch holes and cracks in doors and windows.
  • Keep enclosure interiors clean; remove floor heaters; and use rubber floor mats instead of carpeting.
  • Keep doors and windows closed.

McCraren Compliance offers many opportunities in safety training to help circumvent accidents. Please take a moment to visit our calendar of classes to see what we can do to help your safety measures from training to consulting.